The Full List Of Republicans And Democrats Who Attended Davos

( President Joe Biden will not attend the World Economic Forum in Davos this year. Instead, he will head a group of lawmakers to Switzerland, where world leaders in the industry, politics, and other fields will be convening to discuss pressing global issues.

Donald Trump, a former president, did not go this year despite having attended the conference. Presidents frequently forego attending Davos. During their terms as president, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, and Barack Obama all chose to miss Davos.

This is a partial list of Democrats and Republicans attending the WEF in Davos:

Marty Walsh, the secretary of labor, discussed the country’s economy, inflation, and other issues in the coming year.

Kevin Kerry, the 79-year-old climate envoy, claimed that the world was not acting quickly enough to protect itself from the global problem.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen met Vice Premier Liu He of China on Wednesday while visiting Switzerland in Zurich.

At a private luncheon in Davos, Senators Coons, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, and Joe Manchin of West Virginia also met with CEOs of various corporations. Brian Kemp, the governor of Georgia and a Republican, also went.

Republican congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar from Florida spoke about immigration and Ukraine. According to the Cuban-American, the United States will “liberate” Europe in 2023, much as it did during World War II.

Salazar stated, “I do believe that regardless of any arguments or skepticism regarding the $100 billion that we have donated or provided to the Ukrainians to defend themselves, we will ultimately vote, at least in my vote, to stay with the Ukrainians until they win.”

Kevin Kemp urged that the two parties cooperate to address significant societal issues like crime.

“Fentanyl problem, street gang crisis, and human trafficking are issues that every governor in the nation is dealing with,” he stated. Many problems could be resolved, so protect the border while we’re at it.

Kyrsten Sinema, an independent Senator from Arizona, reaffirmed her support for the filibuster, a procedure wherein lawmakers extend a debate on proposed legislation to postpone or completely block it from passing.

And the filibuster still hasn’t been abolished, right? Manchin spoke.

Sinema said, high-fiving Manchin, “That’s correct.”

Manchin and Sinema famouslybroke ranks with the Democrats to thwart Biden’s wishes.