Rep. Sheila Jackson Says Moon ‘Mostly Made Up of Gases’

The Democrat representative from Texas, Sheila Jackson Lee, recently made a terrible error regarding the moon while speaking at the solar eclipse event at Houston’s Booker T. Washington High School.

Her efforts to shift the responsibility onto others backfired.

Video reports revealed that Jackson Lee made the ridiculous assertion that the moon is mostly gas when speaking to the audience on April 8th before the solar eclipse. This error is even more unacceptable considering her past service on the House Science and Space Committees.

In the video, Jackson Lee declared that, on occasion, it’s necessary to seize the chance to see a full moon. The Moon is a perfectly spherical object composed mainly of gases, and she asked why or how humans could inhabit it. Is it possible to achieve this with these gases?

According to, rock and metal make up the bulk of the Moon’s composition, just as they do on Earth and the other rocky planets. The moon contains silicon (a metalloid), magnesium, aluminum, silver, gold, titanium, and mercury, among other metals.

NASA started taking bids from American businesses in February 2014 to construct robotics for moon prospecting and exploration. These robots would study the moon’s surface composition. According to satellite imagery, the southern pole of the moon has ten centimeters of moon soil that contains almost one hundred times more gold than the world’s richest mines.

Additionally, Jackson Lee erroneously referred to the Moon as a planet. Since it orbits the Earth, the Moon is a satellite. The Moon isn’t a planet since it doesn’t move in its orbit around the Sun.

In response to the mocking, Jackson Lee blamed Republicans for her mistakes rather than accepting responsibility. Commenters quickly responded to Jackson Lee’s absurd views on social media.

Someone wanted to know if she had yet figured out how to wear the eclipse glasses, as she mightily struggled with them for several minutes.

Another reminded her that she had once stated that an AR-15 is as heavy as ten boxes and can shoot .50 caliber bullets.