Fox News Host Laughs Off DeSantis Donor’s Prediction

A former Trump backer who is now on Team DeSantis said the Florida governor would eliminate the former president from the field of presidential contenders “shortly” after the New Hampshire primary.

On Friday, a guest on Fox News’ Jesse Watters’ show, Dan Eberhart, predicted that former President Donald Trump would withdraw from the Republican primary soon after it begins.

Watters questioned his guest, who thinks Trump is not conservative, and asked if the DeSantis strategy is to get to the right of Trump on cultural issues.

Eberhart replied that the correct move is to stay to the right of Trump and be a consistent conservative. He implies that Trump is not a conservative.

The DeSantis donor’s theory is that as primary voters in New Hampshire and Iowa see that DeSantis is viable, they will unite behind him.

Eberhart maintains that Trump’s approval rating of 55% is both a top and a bottom, and it will evaporate as the primary nears.

Watters asked that Eberhart define ‘viable.” Would DeSantis still be “viable” if he lost New Hampshire and Iowa? Is DeSantis done if he loses both states?

Eberhart predicted that Trump would lose both states and drop out of the campaign shortly after DeSantis went for the kill in Iowa and New Hampshire.

He said to expect the unexpected from DeSantis.

Watters laughed, saying, with all due respect, it was a bold prediction.

Eberhart said Watters’s reaction was “fair enough” but reminded him that it’d been seven years since Trump had to face primary voters, and when given a choice between Governor DeSantis and his record and Trump’s actions over the past two or three years, he believes they will all choose with DeSantis.

We’ll see how it works out,” Watters added as the interview ended.

Not at all convinced that if Trump loses any of the early states, he may not continue in the race.