In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Bret Weinstein, a former college professor and evolutionary biologist, shed light on an intriguing phenomenon in Panama. Many young Chinese males have gathered in what Weinstein describes as a “camp” in San Vincente, Panama. As an independent observer, Weinstein’s account provides valuable insights into this unique situation.
According to Weinstein, gaining access to the camp proved challenging, as guards prevented his entry. However, he managed to engage with Chinese migrants outside the camp at various shops. He discovered a guarded and closed-off community, reluctant to interact with outsiders. This observation raised concerns about the nature of this migration, with Weinstein noting that most migrants were male and of military age, and very few children were present.
Weinstein proposed an intriguing theory that the Chinese migration might be concealed within the more significant wave of economic migration from South America. By bypassing the perilous Darien Gap, a treacherous region separating South and Central America, these migrants demonstrated a different motivation. Weinstein speculated that China might be interested in making this passage more accessible, potentially hinting at broader geopolitical implications.
While one edge of the camp revealed approximately 150 individuals, Weinstein speculated that the number of migrants must be significantly higher. This suspicion aligns with a recent “60 Minutes” report, which highlighted Chinese migrants as the fastest-growing group attempting to cross into the United States from Mexico. CBS News reported that the number of apprehended Chinese citizens attempting illegal border crossings had increased 50-fold in just two years.
Weinstein’s concerns extended beyond the nature of the migration itself. He believed the United States and the United Nations inadvertently facilitated this primarily economic migration. Weinstein pointed to the presence of NGO emblems and American flags throughout the area, suggesting the involvement of various organizations. He specifically mentioned the International Organization for Migration (IOM), a UN branch whose charter promotes the belief that migration is inherently optimistic. According to Weinstein, this perception drives efforts to encourage and facilitate migration, resulting in ill-prepared individuals placing themselves in perilous situations like the Darien Gap.
Weinstein noted that the situation at the Panama border reflects a significant shift from previous years. Border controls appear to have been effectively lifted, leading to a surge in migration. This coordination, Weinstein suggested, contributes to the magnitude of the issue at hand.