After an assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania, world leaders voiced their worry on Sunday.
According to the Vatican, the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump wounds people and democracy, causing suffering and death.
The statement was released by the Holy See Press Office and expressed solidarity with the American bishops’ prayers for the victims, national unity, and the possibility that the motives of the violence may never prevail.
After a bullet went through the top portion of the president’s right ear, the Secret Service escorted him away without incident. One person was murdered, and two others were wounded in the assassination attempt on the former president during a campaign event in Butler County, Pennsylvania.
The rising tide of political violence in the United States was denounced by U.S. Catholic leaders, who also prayed for Trump and the other victims.
Archbishop Timothy Broglio, head of the U.S. bishops’ Conference, said that, along with his brother bishops, they denounce political violence. They offer their prayers for President Trump and those who were killed or injured.
Broglio said as a nation, we ask God to protect us from the destructive cycle of political violence that exacerbates rather than resolves our differences. He said praying for peace in our country is something we invite all good people to do.
Bishop David Zubik of the Diocese of Pittsburgh reportedly implored the nation to pray for the health and safety of all, for healing and peace, and for an end to this climate of violence in our world.
Boston Cardinal Sean Patrick O’Malley said our nation has once again witnessed another deadly and tragic shooting today. We, the people of this country, need to address the epidemic of violence that has all too frequently become the standard.
A standard critique of Trump is that he lacks respect as a global leader, yet this outpouring disproves that claim.